Saturday, October 24, 2009


today at the gym i witnessed several firsts:

  • two black guys going to play basketball...however, in the locker room they were talking in an educated dialect. And the topic of discussion? comic books and robots. 
  • some crazy crackhoe jamming to her music instead of actually using the machines. woman was gettin dowwwn, rap video style.
  • two 13/14ish yr old highly self concious girls hell bent on getting hypothermia. While sitting in the hot tub they were comparing the size of various body parts and complaining they were fat. Then randomly decided to run to the steam room, and then dive into the cold pool.
eavesdropping is probably a bad thing, but i do it well, just pretend to take a quick nap in the hot tub - eyes closed, ears open. creepy, maybe. out of context conversations, defiantly hilarious.

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